Sunday 10 February 2013

This kind of stretch is really a key exception. Try this. Execute a vertical leap and document the height. After that, static stretch your hip flexors - 2 sets of half a minute both legs. Really stretch them! Stretch as if you’re trying to rip that hip flexor off of the bone, baby! Don’t just simply go through the motions! Now jump once again. Chances are you’ll jump ½” - 2” higher, by simply static stretching the hip flexors. Why is this, you say? We’ll tell you. The simple truth is, a lot of athletes have super-tight hip flexors. Whenever you jump, tight hip flexors cause a lots of friction, keeping you from fully extending at the hip, along with reaching as high as it is possible to. By simply static stretching them right before you leap, you not only stretch them out, but also “put them to sleep” do to the long, slow stretch. This makes less friction at the hip while you jump. This leads to higher jumps. You may be amazed at how effectively this works. (Incidentally, the hip flexors are the only muscle groups you would probably ever need to static stretch just before jumping.) It's also advisable for athletes to get in the practice of stretching their hip flexors every day, not just before jumping. This'll help to extend your stride length when you run, and additionally prevent hamstring muscle pulls and low-back discomfort.

Depth Jumps - A "depth jump" (often called a shock jump) is performed simply by stepping off a box thereafter bursting upward immediately after landing on the ground. We utilize boxes of various heights, dependant upon the level of player we’re training. Simply by stepping off the box, the muscles are rapidly stretched when landing, which helps them to contract harder and faster when bursting upward (much like what we were speaking of with the box squats and the bands). The goal of this specific exercise is actually to spend the minimum amount of time on the floor as you can. We like to utilize .15 seconds for a guideline. If the player spends more time on the floor, it is no longer an authentic plyometric work out mainly because the period is just too long. If executed correctly, we have found this particular exercise to be really productive. However , most athletes and instructors that complete this exercise don’t adhere to these recommendations. If the athlete crumbles much like a deck of cards upon striking the floor and then takes Several minutes to bounce back into the air; the box is either too big or the individual isn’t developed enough to be performing this work out.

Snatch Grip Deadlifts - This particular exercise is essentially an ordinary deadlift, yet you use a “snatch” grip. By taking this broader grip, you will need to get deeper “in the hole” when dropping the free weight to the floor, thus further employing the posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes and low back). Snatch grip deads are ungodly in their ability to improve the posterior chain and is definitely an awesome cornerstone workout to be used if working out for the vertical jump. This work out will certainly put slabs of muscles on your glutes, hamstrings, spinal erectors, arms and shoulders. The only issue with this particular workout is it can make sitting down on the toilet very tough the day right after doing it.

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